Home » Eliminate electrical discharge noise when turning on amplifier

Eliminate electrical discharge noise when turning on amplifier

Electrical discharge amplifier, howto eliminate:

If your amplifier, when you press the on button, also emits the sound of a strong electric discharge, which should not be confused with the classic BUMP, it is very likely that the switch when touching or releasing the blades generates an extra current due to the inductive load, which is engaged or released, which is represented by the primary of the ignition transformer.

The reasons why a switch starts generating this problem, creating a sound attributable to an electric discharge in your amplifier, are essentially due to the sparking that is emitted by the internal contacts and which in the long run ends up worsening the situation until it gets damaged. of the switch itself if not of the amplifier components.

The most astute amplifier manufacturers already include the solution I am about to present to you at the design stage, but the continuous search for cost reduction also leads to savings on components costing just a few cents which then end up being paid for by the user.

In the video I explain what to do to eliminate the problem BUT I am careful not to advise you to open a device that normally works under voltage unless you have the necessary technical knowledge, a friend (the classic “that great genius of my friend”) or more simply an expert will certainly be able to help you.

All you need is a pair of Polypropylene – THT – 47nF capacitors with a working voltage of at least 600 volts, which cost so little that they are sold in packs of 10.

At this link you will find the content of the video article about on how to eliminate electrical discharge noise when turning on amplifier published on YouTube where you can, if you want, comment or ask questions.

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