Home » The unlikely encounters of the guitar with unusual instruments

The unlikely encounters of the guitar with unusual instruments

Guitar with unusual instruments.

While the guitar is known for its duets with bass, drums, and vocals, it’s less common to see it paired with non-traditional instruments for certain genres. In this article, we’ll explore some unique collaborations where the guitar meets astonishingly diverse instruments, creating unexpected and captivating musical fusions.

1. Guitar and Didgeridoo

Originating from Australian aborigines, the didgeridoo produces a deep, hypnotic drone sound. When paired with an acoustic guitar, it can create a blend of the traditional and the modern, evoking far-off lands and ancient traditions. Even the combination with the electric guitar produces innovative and certainly not obvious sounds, here are some examples:

Not bad right?

2. Guitar and Hang Drum

The Hang Drum, a melodic percussion instrument, has an ethereal, bell-like tone. Combined with the guitar, the effect can be dreamy, almost as if you’re floating in a trance-like state.

3. Guitar and Theremin

Perhaps one of the quirkiest electronic instruments, the Theremin is known for its ghostly sounds and ethereal melodies. Pairing this with an electric guitar can yield truly avant-garde results, pushing the boundaries of sonic experimentation.

4. Guitar and Koto

The Koto, a Japanese zither, has a delicate and piercing tone. Paired with a classical guitar, it can fuse the East with the West, creating melodies that are both familiar and exotic.

5. Guitar and Duduk

The Duduk, an Armenian wind instrument, has a melancholic and deep tone. With the guitar, it can create a combination that oozes emotion, evoking mountainous landscapes and ancient legends.


The guitar, while being a versatile and global instrument, still has many uncharted paths to tread. The “unlikely encounters” with other instruments showcase how vast the world of music is and how much we can still learn and experiment. The next time you pick up your guitar, consider which unusual instrument you might want to encounter and venture into an unexplored sonic journey.

And after reading about guitar with unusual instruments, why not take a look at the section of the site dedicated to guitars?



